LASIK Laser Eye Surgery

Are you considering an eye care procedure to improve your vision? Trusted LASIK surgeons operates a LASIK surgeon directory that allows you to find a surgeon in 32 states and the District of Columbia. While LASIK eye surgery is the most common voluntary procedure sought by patients, the doctors in our directory also perform a wide range of other eye surgeries.


What Is LASIK Eye Surgery?

This procedure makes it possible for you to see clearly without having to wear glasses or contact lenses. The term LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. The Food and Drug Administration approved the procedure years ago, and you can count on it to be safe and effective.

To start the procedure, your LASIK surgeon creates a flap with a manual tool or laser in the epithelial layer of your eye. After creating the flap, your surgeon reshapes your cornea using a laser. The purpose of reshaping your cornea is to allow light to refract into your eye at the proper angle. LASIK eye surgery is minimally invasive and is appropriate for people with the eye conditions listed below:

•             Astigmatism

•             Farsightedness

•             Nearsightedness

•             Presbyopia

The American Academy of Ophthalmology reports that 90 percent of patients who have undergone LASIK eye surgery feel satisfied with the results. Those interviewed reported corrected vision after surgery ranging from 20/20 to 20/40. People with mild to moderate levels of any of the above conditions tend to enjoy the greatest vision correction.

Photo Refractive Keratectomy (PRK) Surgery

The FDA approved this surgery in 1996, and ophthalmologists have used it longer than standard LASIK surgery. During this procedure, your eye surgeon reshapes the cornea of your eye with an excimer laser. PRK can correct astigmatism, farsightedness, nearsightedness, and presbyopia, just as LASIK eye surgery does. The main difference between the two procedures is that your surgeon does not create a flap starting at your cornea as with the LASIK procedure.

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a leading reason that people seek eye care, especially among older adults. The term cataract refers to clouding in the eye’s lens that reduces clarity of vision. Cataract surgery removes the cloudy lens in each eye to allow you to see better. Non-surgical options for treating cataracts are also available.

Find an Eye Surgeon Near You Using Our LASIK Surgeon Directory

Having eye surgery is a big step, and you need to be able to trust your provider. We invite you to use our directory to find an experienced eye surgeon who can guide you towards the right procedure for improving your vision.


Trusted LASIK Surgeons™ and Trusted Cataract Surgeons™

Trusted LASIK Surgeons™ and Trusted Cataract Surgeons is an online business that provides LASIK and Cataract Surgeon directories and consumer resources concerning eyesight and vision correction as well as a Consumer Checklist for the True Cost of LASIK.

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